The Osei Test

Far from being a description of traits, the highly adaptive personality test can identify basic behaviour that we develop when reacting to the stimuli and in our interaction with the environment. 

This test allows us to get a clear understanding of our internal conflicts as well as those that arise from the interaction with others. 

The highly adaptive five patterns of behaviour are shown below: 

Vertical:Observation – Explanation
Frontal:Moving towards an objective-goal
Lateral: Emotional Expression
Rotatory: Confrontation – fighting
Central:Sexuality – intimacy

Each one of us has mainly one of these patterns of behaviour as a spontaneous reaction whether it has been acquired culturally, is the result of our upbringing or, and especially, we have been born with it. 

The test of highly adaptive personality is very easy to do and it takes fifteen minutes approximately. It is based on rigorous research that can be found in this Web in the Research and References Section. 

It is not a questionary with questions about feelings, thoughts, and reactions as most tests of personality are. In this test there are no questions but only images of films that have to be chosen for no apparent reason. 

Once the test has been completed, a report is issued. It explains the percentage of performance in each one of these patterns of behaviour; the psychic and mental characteristics of each one of the dimensions of the highly adaptive personality; the morphology of the body that shows which one of the five dimensions is dominant and its specific tendency to psychic unease or to physical disorder when neither of them are visible.

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